Thursday, April 2, 2015


When I went all the way to Kansilad Beach Resort in Lianga, Surigao del Sur to meet the manager/owner of the resort for a possible collaboration, and I saw this little monkey. The management said that there were actually many monkeys that comes down everyday in the resort before, but now only this one can be seen around regularly.

Out of curiosity, I asked why and what happened to the others. They said they don't know but they guessed some hunters have caught them on the other side of the caves. I don't know much about hunting, so I asked why again. Their answered broke my heart to pieces... The hunters probably cooked and ate them.

Heartless human beings!!! How can they kill those precious animals? :(

The monkey in the photo above really looks lonely. I commend the management and staff of Kansilad Beach Resort for not hurting him. They even give him fruits to eat every time he comes down and they play with him.

"Loneliness is the most terrible poverty."
Mother Teresa

Location: Kansilad Beach Resort
Camera used: Moto G smartphone


Pooja Kawatra said...

It is very sad to see the beautiful birds and animal are getting hunted and killed.

Hope we can do something to save them.

May De Jesus-Palacpac said...

Whaaaat????? Poor little creatures. :( I can't believe anyone can actually kill monkeys.

papaleng said...

This trade is going on for a long time na. Even in my father's place, local there love killing monkeys. Masarap daw ang meat. Gosh!!!

Raquel said...

Compared to dogs, I’m not really fond of monkeys. But what happened in that place was very unsettling as the monkeys didn’t deserve to be eaten.

Unknown said...

Aw, you just made me sad with this article. Gosh, hunters eating monkeys?! they might be naughty at times, but they are animals!

So Random Chelle said...

When I was looking at the photo (before I read through your blog post), I felt loneliness. I feel sorry for the monkey.

I really do not understand how other people could so such thing to animals or why some people hate animals. It's so sad that helpless animals are treated such way. :(

Teri said...

Pity for those monkies. Maybe those hunters sell the monkies they've caught. I can't imagine eating monkies as they have load of diseases yay. The resort should have a campaign for this.

Unknown said...

Is there no way to report that to the authorities so the monkeys can be preserved /saved?

Franc said...

Killing the monkeys is really cruel. It's nice that the resorts try to take care of them as much as they can.

Eliz Frank said...

What a sad post. I wish humans will be more compassionate about other forms of live.... Heart moving.

Sunshine Kelly said...

You could be together with a group of friends but deep inside still feels loneliness. It is very subjective.

Anonymous said...

People are getting so cruel, sometimes I lose faith in humanity and pray to God that people return to their divine origin of love and compassion for others, including animals.

Fred Said said...

I personally think that hunting should already be outlawed in this day and age. There are already a lot of simulations now where these people can release their hunter instinct.

Unknown said...

Horrible for poachers and hunters to do that. Unfortunately, we seem to be lacking in programs to preserve their habitat and make sure that they continue to thrive and prosper.

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